Types of Services Offered by an SEO Agency

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By Boris Dzhingarov

When you’re looking to hire an SEO agency, it’s essential to find a professional who has a proven track record in the field. The right agency should know how to adjust its general approach to your niche while highlighting specific areas where it will need to vary. You also need to consider how successful they are at measuring results and success metrics. Read on to learn more about the types of services offered by an SEO agency. And while you’re at it, make sure to ask for references.

Inbound links

Inbound links are still a valuable part of the SEO strategy. While easy inbound links can lead to penalties, they are still considered highly effective and are considered one of the most effective ways to boost your SEO rankings. Here are some tips for building inbound links. First, understand that not all inbound links will benefit your website. Moreover, you should not just build links to your site, but also those of your competitors.


There are several factors that will determine the rankings of an SEO agency. It is important to understand the importance of content in order to be listed high in search results. Your SEO agency should be able to create compelling content to meet this need. Another important factor to consider is internal linking. The structure of the internal linking structure will help Google recognize your page, and link pages together in a road map fashion. The more internal links your website has, the faster Google will be able to index your page.

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User journeys

A user journey is a process of decision making that a customer takes from the time of awareness through to a decision. Often, this is a squiggly line with several steps in between, including awareness, researching, comparing prices, asking friends, and finally making a purchase. Some users may take only minutes to make a decision, while others may take weeks or even months. In order to design your website for optimal user experience, you need to know how the buyer moves through each stage.


Conversions for an Agencia SEO will be directly correlated to the number of people who complete a desired action. This is where your SEO conversion funnel comes in. If you want people to convert, you must deliver content that appeals to their individual needs. This includes researching query-based keywords and creating content that is tailored to the type of people who use search engines. This way, you can generate more leads and increase your profits.

Keyword research

If you have a website, you will want to make sure that you are targeting the right keywords. This will help search engines better understand what your site is about, making it easier for them to recommend pages that will best meet the needs of your visitors. Keyword research is also an excellent way to see if there are other keywords that could be more effective. Using this method can also help you compete better with your competitors and identify opportunities for alternative keywords.

Site audits

While you may not be aware of it, a site audit by an SEO agency can prove to be extremely beneficial for your website’s SEO strategy. Search engine algorithms have been changing for years and incorporating keywords into the header tags and content was an excellent way to get backlinks and improve your SEO rankings. Now, however, the algorithms are more complex and it’s not possible to optimize your entire site with keywords alone.

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Customer support

For an SEO agency, customer support is an essential part of their overall marketing plan. Clear communication between the marketing team and customer support staff will lead to improved content and links and, consequently, more clients. Customer support can be invaluable in helping a company to understand the needs and expectations of its customers. It is vital to maintain a constant dialogue with your customer base to improve your SEO efforts and meet their expectations. Here are some tips to improve your customer support.