Tips for Writing Content in Boring Niches… Concrete Anyone?

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By Boris Dzhingarov

Whether a topic is boring is, perhaps, subjective. After all, some people swoon over concrete articles and in-depth research papers on advanced electronics. But unless you are an expert in the field, to you these topics are probably dry as dust.

Most bloggers and content writers have come across topics that truly are as boring as watching cement dry. This is a very real problem, unfortunately, and it can consequently make writing about the topic feel both difficult and tiresome. So, how do we counter boredom while writing about something as scintillating as concrete or manufacturing machinery? That’s exactly what we are going to discuss next.

Get to Know the Subject a Bit

Most subjects that bore us are also subjects that we know and understand very little about. If you have decided to write about a particularly boring topic, or have been tasked to do so, you will not be able to produce high quality content without researching a bit about it first. Not only will that make writing about the subject less boring, but the information will also make writing about the subject much easier.

Look at the boring niche as an opportunity to learn something new, rather than just a boring task that you have to complete. This change of perspective is extremely important since you may come across even more boring niches in your career as a content writer than the one you are dealing with right now. The good news is that things will begin to make more sense after reading a bit about it, and you may even find certain aspects of the subject to be quite interesting. Genuinely!

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Find Interesting Facts

Irrespective of how boring a niche may seem, there’s always something interesting about it. Let’s for example, let’s consider concrete. Given that modern Portland cement and modern concrete made with it almost has a 200-year old history, there is no shortage of interesting occurrences, facts, incidents, stats, etc. for a blogger to use in their posts about concrete. For shorter posts, the writer can simply put together a few interesting facts with brief introductions to them. Longer posts should elaborate on the titbits with more information. In case you are still not sure if there are any interesting facts about something like concrete, consider the following:

  • Portland cement and modern concrete was invented in 1824, but ancient concrete predates Christianity by more than 1300 years
  • Romans manufactured concrete from volcanic ash and limestone
  • When reinforced, concrete becomes almost impervious to water and fire; two features that no other construction material can boast of simultaneously

As a professional blogger, you can most likely spin a post out of these facts, and this is not even the full list. The more research you do, the more potential angles you will come across, which you can use to your advantage to produce a post that is both unique and interesting to readers in the niche.

Similarly, every boring topic will feel a lot less boring once you get to know the more interesting facts.

Avoid Subjects that are More Complicated than Necessary

It’s important that you understand the basics of the subject since you will be able to use that information while writing. However, unless you are in a position where you can confidently write about the subject from an advanced angle, do not attempt to do so. Nobody is expecting a research-grade post from your blog, so you do not need to write one either. Try to write your content by building it around what you already know and understand well, with the client’s/affiliate’s requirements in focus.

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There are likely many more specialized blogs about the niche that do post about such topics, of course, but it is quite likely that the specialist bloggers do not find the subject boring, and they have prior, real life experience. If you wish to become a specialist in niche blogging yourself, follow those blogs, watch YouTube videos related to the subject, and take the time one naturally needs to properly understand any new subject. In the meantime, consider the following easier topics and create posts out of them with just low – mid level knowledge and referential research.

  • Misconceptions about the subject, myths, common mistakes, uncommon mistakes, etc.
  • Right practices, methods, precautionary measures, etc.
  • Comparative articles where you compare two closely related subjects within the same niche; aka, Vs. Posts
  • History of the subject: it does not take a very deep understanding of any subject to write historical posts about it
  • Introductory articles with brief but correct information that can be easily verified
  • Use the Google Keyword Planner to find popular queries about the niche and create posts about/around the possible answers

Do Not Assume that You Need to “Spice Up” the Content for Your Target Audience

Never forget that you are looking to target clients and customers who are truly interested in reading about the niche. They are either professionals and/or academics who are already invested in the subject by default, or hobbyists/enthusiasts who find the topic to be particularly interesting rather than boring. Therefore, you cannot write flimsy content on the subject and hope to garner the attention of potential clients, customers, and followers. Anyone more knowledgeable than you will immediately spot holes and inaccuracies in your writing, which will do your credibility no good at all.

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The general rule of content creation states that if a subject has an audience, then it should not be boring to that audience. However, that isn’t necessarily true all the time. When a potential client or customer is reading a particularly long post, the language and style must be both easy to read and intriguing enough so that they don’t end up leaving mid-post. Therefore, in order to successfully research, understand, and present the content in your own words, you will need at least some level of skill as a writer.

As far as writing about boring niches is concerned though, you have now gone through all the tips you should need to get started on your first post already! Just stick only with proven facts related to the subject in question and keep these little tips in mind for a good start.