How to Choose the Right Keywords for Your Website – Improve Your SEO Efforts

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By Boris Dzhingarov

When putting together the perfect website, it’s only natural to focus on the actual design and how it performs. This is what makes the all-important first impression when visitors find your site, and what can keep them coming back for more. But outside the looks and performance, there are so many additional factors that play into just how successful your website will be, and just how much traffic it will generate.

One factor worth focusing on is your SEO efforts, which typically encompass a variety of techniques. Of course, one of the most obvious and most fruitful techniques is the use of keywords. And here’s where skill, experience, and knowledge can come in handy, as not all keywords are created equal, and not all will be effective. Let’s take a look at how you can choose the best keywords that will improve your SEO efforts.

What Is Your Customer Looking For?

In order to pick the most effective keywords, you need to step into the shoes of your customers and ask yourself what they are looking for. What is it that they are after when they seek out your website? Is it a particular service, location, product, and so forth? The answer to this question can help you to pick your keywords, since there is a good chance that they will be typing those words into the Google search bar.

Which Keywords Are the Competition Using?

Of course, you don’t want to copy what your competition is doing; the whole point is to be unique, but it doesn’t hurt to do a little research and see what they are up to. This can help you figure out which keywords to narrow in on and include throughout your text. Don’t forget to also view the metatags, as these give excellent insight.

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Experts Will Tell You It’s Quality, Not Quantity

Another tip straight from the experts is that when it comes to keywords, it’s all about the quality, not the quantity. While your first instinct may be to use as many keywords as possible all throughout your website, this could actually end up hurting the site in the search rankings. Keywords need to be chosen in a thoughtful manner, and then placed in a natural and organic way. Keyword stuffing is something people can often be guilty of, especially when they don’t know any better. If you’re worried about keyword stuffing, you can bring a company like us on board, who are experts in all things SEO-related, including how to use keywords in the most effective way possible.

Make Sure to Track Your Results

Determining whether or not the keywords are effective will require tracking and analysing. This means you’ll need to monitor them for a little while so you can build up enough data to look into.

By using these tips, you’ll be able to pick the best and most effective keywords that generate the kind of real results you’re after.