How to AI-Proof Your Content

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By Boris Dzhingarov

AI and related content creation tools are here to stay. Discussions about the role of ChatGPT in content creation and whether it will make people’s jobs easier or replace them have been going on for a while now. Although it seems both will eventually happen, that day is not here yet. AI content creation tools have a long way to go before they catch up with what humans are capable of. There are still a few things AI cannot do, and it is these areas that content creators can leverage to AI-proof their content for years to come.

Create a Community

The biggest content companies are the ones that have built a community around them. Think about the rise of TikTok and your favorite YouTube creators. They might differ vastly, but they both showcase the content you want to see, creating communities around this simple idea.

As a content creator, creating a community around your content or brand is a great way to protect yourself and your content against AI. There are numerous ways to create a community, whether on social media, around your website or blog, or even on video-sharing platforms like YouTube.

Once you have created the community, you can use it to drive traffic and engagement to your content. Content creators can also use their communities to discover what content they want.

Go Deeper

While they are highly impressive in what they are capable of, AI tools like ChatGPT still provide surface-level information on most topics. Sure, we have seen them do remarkable things, but they still need to catch up in numerous areas.

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As a content creator, go deeper and create content that people cannot find anywhere else. Take the time to do better research and create high-quality content that AI cannot replicate. Do this enough times and you will see people come to you as a source of information rather than going to an AI.

Create More Middle-of-The-Funnel and Bottom-of-The-Funnel Content

Since their inception, Google and other search engines have been cannibalizing top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) content. Now AI is doing the same. However, these tools and platforms have not started disrupting Bottom-of-The-Funnel Content (BOFU) and Middle-of-The-Funnel (MOFU).

These types of content show that you are a leader and expert in your field. This content also makes people take action, whether calling, emailing, adding a product to their carts, creating an account, or even joining a trial.

AI content will continue cannibalizing TOFU content for years because that is the model it has been trained on. While it may be able to tell you what something is, it often falls short when you start going deeper, and this is something content creators can take advantage of.

Work with Subject-matter Experts

There are a lot of great areas in the world we live in, with complex nuances and contexts changing the way we look at things. This is why the best content is written by subject-matter experts, as they can bring together these nuances and content that AI cannot.

Additionally, experts use verifiable facts, statistics and primary research to create persuasive content. This is different from what you get with content written by AI. In fact, there are numerous reports of AI getting basic things wrong because it would not verify whether they were correct.

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The lack of nuance and complexity you get with AI content can turn people off, and you can be sure this happens because it is becoming easier to spot content written by AI. Companies will create AI to create content, and others will develop tools to check that content for the foreseeable future.

Take Advantage of SERP Structure

Knowing how search engines structure their results can make you appear first and with different types of content. Many brands have noticed that Google has been pushing videos to the top of their search results for years.

In addition to helping content creators deliver more information, video allows personality to be intertwined with content. Viewing one of their videos, you can easily tell if someone is an expert and sure of what they are saying. While this is not a scientific test, it is a great way to check this.

Use video to your advantage as you will appear higher on search engines, and then use your personality to stand out as an authority on the subject. The added benefit is building a community around you and your brand. These are all things AI cannot do. At least not yet.

Inject Personality into Your Writing

Video is not the only medium where you should feel free to show your personality; you can do that with writing, too. Yes, some topics require a serious tone, but you should feel free to inject your personality for others.

People will remember your content if it is relatable, humorous, and memorable. They will keep returning to see what great quotes or funny lines you have injected into your posted content. Doing so is something AI cannot do yet, and you should take full advantage of it.

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Learn to Build Content Like a House

A house is built one brick at a time. The best content creators know this, and they build their content like this. It might start with one counterargument or a statement that goes against the norm, building upon itself until the content encapsulates the reader.

Remember that you also need to keep nuances and the complexities of the topic you are talking about in your mind as you create content like this. Doing so will enable you to create content with multiple layers instead of being one-sided.

Use Different Types of Media

Textual content is not the only type of content you should have on your pages. Using media like images and videos breaks up that content and can make your pages more engaging for readers. You can also use these media to provide visitors with other details or a summarized version of the content above or below them.

While AI is here to stay, content creators should not fear it, instead embracing it as a paradigm shift in how content is created, and people find information. However, ensuring your content is AI-proof is vital so that people want to keep coming back to you.