7 Tell-tale Signs of a Bad Copywriter

Hiring the right copywriter is essential if you want your business to project the right image, make an impact, and increase conversion. Hiring a bad copywriter could be disastrous for your sales, and constantly revising your copy with different copywriters can get expensive very fast. The thing is that many people can’t really tell the … Read more

Holiday SEO: Is it a Good Idea?

The holiday season is finally here and retailers everywhere are trying to find new ways to attract clients. This applies to ecommerce as well; for many ecommerce vendors, the holiday season is where they see their highest numbers, and attracting as many visitors as possible becomes essential during this period. One of the ways to … Read more

4 Trends That Will Change the Face of SEO in 2019

Google and its competitors are constantly changing and evolving to offer the best search experience possible to their users. SEOs then follow suit, trying to keep up with the changes and adapt their strategies to these new realities. And this is how trends in the industry are formed. Knowing what these trends are is essential … Read more

Marketing Solutions to Complement Your Web Design

If you want to succeed in business you’ll need ambition, passion for what you’re doing, and a great product or service to sell to consumers. There’s one thing that’s even more important than that, however: a great website. Your website is the most important marketing tool you have, as it’s where the majority of potential … Read more