How to Use Reddit Advertising

When we think of social media platforms, our minds tend to shift towards apps like Facebook and Instagram, but there are a number of rival social media sites that offer businesses a wealth of opportunity. One of these sites is Reddit, and with over 52 million daily users, the discussion platform offers communities that share … Read more

The Importance of Fact Checking When Writing SEO Content

Being a fabulously talented SEO content writer doesn’t always mean that what you have to say is in any way accurate. For so many years, content writers have been led to believe that the two key ingredients of well-written content are the strategic use of search engine optimized keywords and an engaging flow to their … Read more

5 Ways To Optimize Your Direct Marketing Strategy

Direct Marketing is a marketing technique that involves using one or more channels to send a message to the customer. The message is delivered directly to the customer, without an intermediary such as a retailer, salesperson or advertising agency. Direct Marketing can be done through email, SMS text messaging, social media, postcards and flyers. The … Read more